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How DevSecOps Boosts Security Architecture Confidence

  • 24 March 2023
  • 3 replies

“Proliferating threats and increasingly complex IT architectures are putting significant pressure on teams to keep their enterprise systems secure. These trends show no signs of slowing down, which raises the question: How are IT leaders planning to address these challenges as they make their way through 2023?”

Read the rest of the article from @archie here:

“Proliferating threats and increasingly complex IT architectures are putting significant pressure on teams to keep their enterprise systems secure. These trends show no signs of slowing down, which raises the question: How are IT leaders planning to address these challenges as they make their way through 2023?”

Read the rest of the article from @archie here:


I can provide some insights based on current trends and best practices in cybersecurity. To address the challenges posed by proliferating threats and complex IT architectures, IT leaders should focus on the following areas:

  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Security automation and orchestration
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Cloud security
  • User education and awareness

By focusing on these areas, IT leaders can better prepare their organizations to tackle the evolving threat landscape and secure their enterprise systems in 2023 and beyond.





“Proliferating threats and increasingly complex IT architectures are putting significant pressure on teams to keep their enterprise systems secure. These trends show no signs of slowing down, which raises the question: How are IT leaders planning to address these challenges as they make their way through 2023?”

Read the rest of the article from @archie here:


In DevSecOps every employee and team is responsible for security from the start, and they must make decisions quickly and implement them without jeopardizing security. The primary goal of DevSecOps is to automate, monitor, and apply security throughout the software Development lifecycle, which includes planning, developing, building, testing, releasing, delivering, deploying, operating, and monitoring. Using security at every stage of the software development process enables continuous integration, lowering compliance costs and delivering software faster. Additionally, DevSecOps can help improve software delivery speed. It prevents malicious actors from exploiting system vulnerabilities and improves the security of systems.

High visibility for security threats is provided by DevSecOps.

Security, monitoring, deployment verification, and early system notification. It promotes transparency and openness from the very beginning of development. Measurement capabilities as well as Secure by Design. Shorter Recovery Times in the Event of Security Incidents.

Developers can respond promptly to automated security feedback thanks to the quick response capabilities of DevOps and DevSecOps technology, especially CI/CD, which eliminates manual review cycles and ensures improved security posture throughout the SDLC.
