
WEEKEND INSIGHTS: If you could learn any skill or hobby over the weekend, what would it be?

  • 11 March 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 6
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I'd like to learn to play the Ukulele properly and gain more hands-on experience with Illustration art.

It's a delightful and fun hobby: playing the ukulele can help you relax and unwind, and it's a good thing to do with friends and family.
Learning to play a musical instrument like the ukulele can improve your cognitive functions and lead to improvements in your memory, concentration and coordination.

Illustration is a powerful way of visual communication that allows you to convey your ideas, emotions and thoughts in an original and persuasive way, which improves communication skills.


5 replies

Userlevel 2

Realistic oil painting comes to my mind which tops the list of to learn hobbies. In my thought this is a beautiful way of representing a high resolution picture in your eye's retina into the painting board. It can be imaginative though.

Learning musical instruments can be add-ons. Just soothes your mind from the weekdays work hangover. Would love to learn Piano & Guitar. May be on some other weekends.


Userlevel 4
Badge +3


I would like to increase my reading habit  this weekend. What about you?



Learning a new language like PYTHON, It can be valuable skill in today's technology-driven world.


I ’ ll go to any historical and horror places because i love to visit such historical and horror places and know about their history.


Learning a new language like PYTHON, It can be valuable skill in today's technology-driven world.



I’m with you but human languages rather than computer languages.  It’s so nice to be able to speak with someone in their native language, or read famous literary works in the original.  I was lucky enough to spend three years in France when I was young enough to pick up the language quickly.  I was fluent in about 6 months of immersion, but until they have brain implants I think that’s as close to learning a language over the weekend that’s possible.
