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Critical Infrastructure Assets

What are the top 3 assets that come to your mind when you hear the term Critical Infrastructure? Why?

What are the top 3 assets that come to your mind when you hear the term Critical Infrastructure? Why?

  • Healthcare Systems and Medical Devices: Interconnected healthcare systems and devices improve patient care but also create vulnerabilities. Cyberattacks can disrupt care, compromise records, and affect critical medical devices, requiring strong security measures.
  • Government Agencies and Critical Data: Government networks safeguard data and public services. Cyberattacks risk data breaches, compromising security and disrupting vital functions, emphasizing the need for robust cybersecurity.
  • Emergency Services and Communication Networks: Cybersecurity is vital for prompt emergency response. Attacks on communication networks hinder coordination, delaying assistance and undermining public safety.

When I think Critical Infrastructure, I think about SCADA systems and attacks against them! I also think about the future of battles between countries being done through attacking each other infrastructures. Having a connected grid that is run by a central computer, for any infrastructure related field, does open them to cyber security risks. There should always be an air gap between critical components + the outside world. 

What are the top 3 assets that come to your mind when you hear the term Critical Infrastructure? Why?

When I hear the term "Critical Infrastructure," I think of assets that are essential for the functioning of a society, economy, and nation. These assets are crucial for maintaining public safety, national security, and the overall well-being of a country. The top three assets that come to mind are:

1. Power Grid: Vital for supplying electricity to homes, businesses, and essential services.
2. Water Supply System: Essential for clean water distribution and sanitation.
3. Telecommunications Network: Crucial for communication, data transfer, and emergency services.

These assets are interconnected, and their reliable functioning is crucial for a country's stability and functioning. 

Transportation Networks, Emergency Services Facilities, Energy Distribution Facilities

They have an important role in the functioning of society, protecting public health and safety, and supporting the economy.  An attack on these infrastructures can be devastating.

I think of the electrical grid, emergency services, and oil and gas. Without those elements, we would not survive. Attacks on these three entities would have catastrophic results.

What are the top 3 assets that come to your mind when you hear the term Critical Infrastructure? Why?

I immediately think of physical assets, like highways, bridges and skyscrapers. These are things I come in contact with every single day. If something were to happen to any of these, lots of people would be injured or worse.
